
Meet the Creative Powerhouse! Whipping up fresh inventories with a splash of modern artistry, all the while racing against tight deadlines! Blending creativity and technology like a master chef whipping up a gourmet dish! From jaw-dropping design to stunning animation, live action, and mind-blowing visual effects, he’s got it all covered for clients ranging from ad agencies to TV networks, brands, and businesses of every size! And our work? It’s guaranteed to bring a resounding WOW! from viewers everywhere!



She is like the HR Hero Extraordinaire! This superstar is an HR aficionado, juggling talent acquisition, employee engagement, and workplace harmony like a pro! But wait, there’s more! She’s also a management guru who shines as the team motivator! So here’s to this amazing management and HR whiz who transforms workplaces into thriving ecosystems, one brilliant idea at a time!


Associate Producer

B.TECH, M.S., and a self-identified Master’s of Photography, Master’s in Gastronomy —this superstar has more degrees than a thermometer in a heatwave! They can fit creativity into a budget like a Tetris master stacking blocks!  With a camera in one hand and a vision in the other, they’re out there capturing life’s vibrant moments. When trouble strikes or your tummy starts to rumble, this is THE guy you need on speed dial!


Visualizer/Storyboard Artist

The Visual Wizard! – basically the magician who turns your wildest ideas into dazzling pictures before they hit the big screen! Picture this: they’re the one who sketches out the blockbuster movie playing in your mind! Whether it’s films, commercials, or animations, this creative wizard gets to play in the ultimate sandbox of storytelling! It’s like directing without all the drama—just a whole lot of sketching and an endless supply of coffee!


Digital Analyst

In the fast-paced realm of data, this savvy expert dives deep into the numbers, transforming raw data into actionable strategies that drive success! Also called a data whisperer, skillfully sifting through trends and patterns to reveal hidden gems of information. Whether it’s analyzing user behavior or optimizing digital campaigns, this dynamo knows how to turn complex data into clear narratives that guide decision-making!